Invoice Receipt
API Reference
- GETGet subscribers
- POSTCreate subscriber
- POSTBulk create subscribers
- GETGet subscriber
- PUTUpdate subscriber
- DELDelete subscriber
- PUTUpdate subscriber credentials
- DELDelete subscriber credentials by providerId
- PATCHUpdate subscriber online status
- GETGet subscriber preferences
- GETGet subscriber global preferences
- PATCHUpdate subscriber preference
- PATCHUpdate subscriber global preferences
- GETGet in-app notification feed for a particular subscriber
- GETGet the unseen in-app notifications count for subscribers feed
- POSTMark a subscriber feed message as seen
- POSTMarks all the subscriber messages as read, unread, seen or unseen. Optionally you can pass feed id (or array) to mark messages of a particular feed.
- POSTMark message action as seen
- GETHandle providers oauth redirect
- GETHandle chat oauth
Workflow Overrides
Workflow groups
Execution Details
Invoice Receipt
Send invoices or receipts immediately after a user purchases
Invoices and receipts require custom fields such as the order number, billing details, and objects purchased which must be dynamically fetched from the database. The use of step controls and the payload schema simplifies the fetching of that unique data.
Explore the source code on GitHub
Code Example
import { workflow } from '@novu/framework';
import { renderAppleReceiptEmail } from '../emails/apple-receipt';
import { zodControlSchema, jsonSchema, zodPayloadSchema } from './schemas';
* Apple Receipt Workflow
export const appleReceipt = workflow(
"Apple Receipt",
async ({ step, payload }) => {
async (controls) => {
return {
subject: controls.receiptSubject,
body: renderAppleReceiptEmail(controls, payload),
controlSchema: zodControlSchema
payloadSchema: zodPayloadSchema
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