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How to add a new provider?

Novu currently supports five channels in_app, push, email, chat and sms.

For in_app we support only our own provider, so new providers cannot be added to this channel. For the other four channels, we support the integration of external providers. This guide will help in adding new providers for any of these 4 channels.

In this guide, we are adding a new provider for the email channel, but all of the mentioned steps are similar for other channels as well.


Providers allow us to handle message delivery over multiple channels.

We have multiple providers for each channel (SMS, Email, Push and Chat). To get started with adding a new provider let’s look at setting up our repository.


  • Node.js version v20.8.1
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • (Optional) pnpm - Needed if you want to install new packages
  • (Optional) localstack (required only in S3 related modules)

Need help installing the requirements? Read more here

We have used pnpm package manager in this guide. You can use npm as well.


Fork the novu repository and clone it in your local machine.

git clone<'YOUR_GITHUB_USER_NAME'>/novu.git

To set up the repository, run the initial setup command:

pnpm run setup:project

At the root of the project build the node package to get started.

cd packages/node && pnpm run build

Generate provider

After the project is initialized, a new provider can be generated using the below command.

pnpm run generate:provider
Use the above command at the root of the project.

Choose the provider type.

? What type

Use up and down arrow to switch channel type and press enter to select.

For this example, we will be selecting EMAIL as our provider type. The name for our provider will be example-provider.

? Write the provider name`kebab-cased` (e.g. proton-mail, outlook365, yahoo-mail): example-provider

Make sure your selected name is not conflicting with our existing provider’s name. Boilerplate files for this new example-provider is generated in your local machine project.

In above example, we have given our provider name as example-provider for simplicity. If provider you want to add have name as twilio, don’t use twilio-provider as name, instead use twilio only. If one provider supports multiple channels like infobip supports both sms and email channels, use infobip-email or infobip-sms to differentiate these providers.

Once our example-provider is generated we will need to begin working from within packages/providers/src/lib/example-provider directory. Make sure to write the test for this new provider.

import {
} from '@novu/stateless';

export class ExampleProviderEmailProvider implements IEmailProvider {
  id = 'example-provider'
  channelType = ChannelTypeEnum.EMAIL as ChannelTypeEnum.EMAIL;

    private config: {
      apiKey: string;
  ) {}

  async sendMessage(options: IEmailOptions): Promise<ISendMessageSuccessResponse> {
    return {
      id: 'id_returned_by_provider',
      date: 'current_time'

Template test case for example-provider.

import { ExampleProviderEmailProvider } from './example-provider.provider';

test('should trigger example-provider library correctly', async () => {});
Add the provider’s SDK as a dependency in the provider’s package.json file. Run pnpm run setup:project to build all dependencies again. Use this new sdk method to complete the provider’s sendMessage function. Check the reference links for adding new providers section for each channel’s provider example.

Add provider logos

In order to present this new provider in the integration store we need logos in dark and light mode. Add dark color svg logo in  apps/web/public/static/images/providers/dark/sqaure directory and light color svg logo in  apps/web/public/static/images/providers/light/sqaure directory.

Use the provider name as the file name. The sample name for our above-added provider is example-provider.svg.

Add config items to the list

In order to build the UI integration store, we need to provide it list of all provider integrations. This part is made up of two parts:

  • Create credentials config
  • Add ProviderId Enum
  • Add provider configuration to the providers list

1. Create credentials config

Every provider requires some credentials to create an instance. Novu will add these credentials fields in the integration store provider’s form so that users can use their credentials to connect to their preferred provider to use for that channel notification. For example, in the above added example-provider, we have only one credential ApiKey. We will need to add a config object for example-provider with all existing provider’s configs like below.

export const exampleProviderConfig: IConfigCredentials[] = [
    key: CredentialsKeyEnum.ApiKey,
    displayName: "API Key",
    description: "This is API key for example provider",
    type: "text",
    required: true,
  1. Here the key is of type CredentialsKeyEnum.

If a new key is added, add this key at these 3 places:-

  • In CredentialsKeyEnum at file libs/shared/src/consts/providers/provider.enum.ts
  • In CredentialsDto at file apps/api/src/app/integrations/dtos/credentials.dto.ts
  • In credentials field of integrationSchema at file libs/dal/src/repositories/integration/integration.schema.ts
  1. displayName is a human-friendly easy to understand name which will be shown in the provider integration form for this credential.
  2. description is a field that can be used to share more information about the credential.
  3. type here means text field type. this can be a string for text, text for text-area, or a switch for the toggle.
  4. required is of boolean type.
  5. mailConfigBase is an object having default credentials required by any email provider. Make sure not to add duplicate providers which are already there in mailConfigBase. In the case of another channel provider, we will use that channel config base in place of mailConfigBase.

A credential can be made secret by adding in ./secure-credentials.ts file.

2. Add ProviderId Enum

Add this new provider id in the respective channel provider id enum in file libs/shared/src/consts/providers/provider.enum.ts. As our example-provider is of email type, add this in EmailProviderIdEnum with all existing providers like below

export enum EmailProviderIdEnum {
  ExampleProvider = "example-provider",

3. Add provider to providers list

Now we need to add the provider data to the list located at libs/shared/src/consts/providers/channels/email.ts. Note that the id is the provider’s name, displayName is the provider’s name in Pascal’s case, credentials are the ones we created in the previous step, logoFileName should be as it was on the adding logo step (with the format type included).

  id: 'example-provider',
  displayName: 'Example Provider',
  channel: ChannelTypeEnum.EMAIL,
  credentials: exampleProviderConfig,
  // Use valid documentation link
  docReference: '',
  logoFileName: { light: 'example-provider.svg', dark: 'example-provider.svg' }

Add provider handler in the API

1. Adding the provider dependency in the application-generic package

In the previous step, we created a standalone provider package that will be published to NPM. However currently in our development environment, it is not yet published. In order to use it locally please go to the package.json located in packages/application-generic/package.json and add it manually to the dependencies list: "@novu/<NEW_PROVIDER_NAME>": "^<VERSION>"

Please note that the provider name and version can be found from the provider package.json you created earlier.

After adding the dependency run pnpm run setup:project from the root of the mono repo. so, it can create the required symlinks for the newly created package.

2. Create a provider handler

In order to map internally the different providers’ credentials, we need to add a provider handler at the respective channel handlers located. For Email, it can be found at apps/packages/application-generic/src/factories/mail/handlers. Other channel handlers can also be found here.

Create a new file example-provider.handler.ts here with the following code

import { ChannelTypeEnum } from "@novu/shared";
import { ExampleProviderEmailProvider } from "@novu/example-provider";
import { BaseHandler } from "./base.handler";

export class ExampleProviderHandler extends BaseHandler {
  constructor() {
    super("example-provider", ChannelTypeEnum.EMAIL);

  buildProvider(credentials, from: string) {
    const config: { apiKey: string } = { apiKey: credentials.apiKey };

    this.provider = new ExampleProviderEmailProvider(config);

Add this line given below to export this handler

export * from "./example-provider.handler";

3. Add handler to factory

The last step is to initialize the handler in the factory located in packages/application-generic/src/factories/mail/mail.factory.ts

import { ExampleProviderHandler } from "./handlers";

export class MailFactory {
  handlers: IMailHandler[] = [new ExampleProviderHandler()];

Final Steps

Now, build the project again using this command

pnpm run setup:project

Run novu in your local machine. Read here to learn on how to run novu on a local machine and test this new provider.

Run the below command in the root of the project to run the providers test

pnpm run test:providers

If everything is working fine without any error, commit your local branch changes, push this branch and create a new pull request to our main repo.

Hurray 🎉! You have successfully added a new provider in Novu!

️ In this guide, we have used only one credential apiKey for our example-provider. This is for reference purposes only. A provider can have more than one credential as per its SDK requirements. At each step, you will need to add all credentials carefully. Check providers referenced below for more information.

Reference for Adding New Providers