API Reference
- GETGet subscribers
- POSTCreate subscriber
- POSTBulk create subscribers
- GETGet subscriber
- PUTUpdate subscriber
- DELDelete subscriber
- PUTUpdate subscriber credentials
- DELDelete subscriber credentials by providerId
- PATCHUpdate subscriber online status
- GETGet subscriber preferences
- GETGet subscriber global preferences
- PATCHUpdate subscriber preference
- PATCHUpdate subscriber global preferences
- GETGet in-app notification feed for a particular subscriber
- GETGet the unseen in-app notifications count for subscribers feed
- POSTMark a subscriber feed message as seen
- POSTMarks all the subscriber messages as read, unread, seen or unseen. Optionally you can pass feed id (or array) to mark messages of a particular feed.
- POSTMark message action as seen
- GETHandle providers oauth redirect
- GETHandle chat oauth
Workflow Overrides
Workflow groups
Execution Details
The Echo CLI provides a mechanism for you to synchronize your Workflows into Novu Cloud so that non-technical Novu Users can control the Workflow and Step-level inputs and enable your Workflows to be triggered via Novu API.
npx novu-labs@latest sync --echo-url <YOUR URL> --api-key <NOVU_API_KEY>
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