React Notification Center API Reference

This page contains complete documentation about the React Notification Center package. You can find here the list of all the components, hooks, and props that you can use.


Components are the building blocks of the React Notification Center package. They are used to build the UI of the notification center.


The NovuProvider is the root component of the React Notification Center package. It is used to wrap the components code and provide the notifications feed context to all its children. It’s responsible for establishing the notification center session, managing the web socket connection, and fetching the notifications feed.

backendUrlstring (optional)The custom backend URL, your own deployed instance of the API. The default is
socketUrlstring (optional)The custom socket URL, your own deployed instance of the WS app. The default is
applicationIdentifierstringThe app id is taken from the Novu Settings -> API Keys tab.
subscriberIdstringThe unique user id from your system.
subscriberHashstring (optional)The HMAC encrypted subscriberId. Read about hmac encryption
storesIStore (optional)The connection object between feed and notification center tab.
i18nITranslationEntry | ITranslationContent (optional)The prop allows to configure the UI language.
stylesNotificationCenterStyles (optional)The prop allowing to style the notification center. It’s based on the CSSInterpolation object from the @emotion/css package.
initialFetchingStrategyIFetchingStrategy (optional)The fetching strategy. By default notifications feed and user preferences are not fetched until the notification center is opened. You might need to tweak this configuration when building a custom UI and if you need to fetch notifications right away. Also it’s possible to change it when some action happens using the useNovuContext hook and setFetchingStrategy prop.
childrenobjectThe ReactNode object type, the “consumer” of the NovuProvider context.
onLoadfunction (optional)The function that is called with an organization object after the notification center session is initialized.

Props interface

interface INovuProviderProps {
  backendUrl?: string;
  socketUrl?: string;
  applicationIdentifier: string;
  subscriberId?: string;
  subscriberHash?: string;
  stores?: IStore[];
  i18n?: I18NLanguage | ITranslationEntry;
  styles?: INotificationCenterStyles;
  initialFetchingStrategy?: Partial<IFetchingStrategy>;
  children: React.ReactNode;
  onLoad?: (data: { organization: IOrganizationEntity }) => void;

Store interface

interface IStore {
  storeId: string;
  query?: IStoreQuery;

interface IStoreQuery {
  feedIdentifier?: string | string[];
  seen?: boolean;
  read?: boolean;
  limit?: number; 
  payload?: Record<string, unknown>;

I18NLanguage interface

type I18NLanguage = 'en' | 'de' ...;

interface ITranslationContent {
  readonly notifications: string;
  readonly markAllAsRead: string;
  readonly poweredBy: string;
  readonly settings: string;
  readonly removeMessage: string;
  readonly markAsRead: string;
  readonly markAsUnRead: string;

interface ITranslationEntry {
  readonly translations: Partial<ITranslationContent>;
  readonly lang: string;

Styles interface

interface NotificationCenterStyles {
  bellButton?: ObjectWithRoot<{
    dot?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
  unseenBadge?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
  popover?: {
    arrow?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    dropdown?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
  loader?: ObjectWithRoot;
  layout?: ObjectWithRoot;
  header?: ObjectWithRoot<{
    title?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    markAsRead?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    cog?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    backButton?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
  tabs?: {
    tabsList?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    tab?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    tabLabel?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    tabIcon?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
  accordion?: {
    item?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    content?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    control?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    chevron?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
  switch?: ObjectWithRoot<{
    input?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    track?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    thumb?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
  footer?: ObjectWithRoot<{
    title?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
  notifications?: ObjectWithRoot<{
    listItem?: {
      read?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
      unread?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
      layout?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
      contentLayout?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
      title?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
      timestamp?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
      dotsButton?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
      buttons?: ObjectWithRoot<{
        primary?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
        secondary?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
  actionsMenu?: {
    arrow?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    dropdown?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
    item?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
  preferences?: ObjectWithRoot<{
    item?: {
      title?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
      channels?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
      divider?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
      content?: {
        icon?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
        channelLabel?: CSSFunctionOrObject;
        success?: CSSFunctionOrObject;

type CSSFunctionInterpolation = (args: {
  theme: INovuTheme;
  common: ICommonTheme;
  colorScheme: ColorScheme;
}) => CSSInterpolation;

type CSSFunctionOrObject = CSSFunctionInterpolation | CSSInterpolation;

type ObjectWithRoot<T = {}> = T & {
  root: CSSFunctionOrObject;

Fetching strategy interface

interface IFetchingStrategy {
  fetchUnseenCount: boolean;
  fetchOrganization: boolean;
  fetchNotifications: boolean;
  fetchUserPreferences: boolean;


The floating popover component that appears when clicking on the NotificationBell button. It renders the NotificationCenter component inside its content.

positionstring (optional)Position of the popover relative to the bell icon. It is based on the Mantine Popover. The default is set to bottom-end.
offsetnumber (optional)Gap between the Bell icon and Popover in px.
colorSchemestringThe UI light or dark mode.
themeINovuTheme (optional)The theme object allowing you to override light and dark colors of the UI components. Deprecated for styling, please use the styles prop on the NovuProvider.
tabsITab(optional)Allows to define separate UI tabs for the notifications feed. The array of connection objects between the feed tab and stores (that you define on the NovuProvider) and feed identifier.
listItemListItem (optional)The render function allowing you to define the custom element for the notification list item.
showUserPreferencesboolean (optional)The flag that enables to show/hide the user preferences. By default it is enabled.
allowedNotificationActionsboolean (optional)The flag that enables to show/hide the dots menu for actions performed on a notification. By default it is enabled.
onUrlChangefunction (optional)The function that is called when the notification item has a CTA of type redirect and is clicked.
onNotificationClickfunction (optional)The function that is called when the notification item is clicked.
onUnseenCountChangedfunction (optional)The function that is called when the unseen notifications count changed.
childrenfunctionThe render function that allows you to define the custom bell button. It’s called with an argument that has unseenCount prop the number of unseen notifications.
headerfunction (optional)The render function that allows you to define the custom header component.
footerfunction (optional)The render function that allows you to define the custom footer component.
emptyStateJSX.Element (optional)The render function that allows you to define the custom component for the empty notifications list state.
onActionClickfunction (optional)The callback function triggered when the notification button is clicked.
actionsResultBlockfunction (optional)The render function that allows you to define the custom component that will be rendered after the notification button is clicked.
onTabClickfunction (optional)The callback function triggered when the notifications feed tab changes.
preferenceFilterfunction (optional)The callback function triggered when filtering the subscriber preference.

Props interface

interface IPopoverNotificationCenterProps {
  position?: PopoverProps["position"];
  offset?: number;
  colorScheme: ColorScheme;
  theme?: INovuThemePopoverProvider;
  tabs?: ITab[];
  listItem?: ListItem;
  showUserPreferences?: boolean;
  allowedNotificationActions?: boolean;
  onUrlChange?: (url: string) => void;
  onNotificationClick?: (notification: IMessage) => void;
  onUnseenCountChanged?: (unseenCount: number) => void;
  children: (props: INotificationBellProps) => JSX.Element;
  header?: () => JSX.Element;
  footer?: () => JSX.Element;
  emptyState?: JSX.Element;
  onActionClick?: (
    templateIdentifier: string,
    type: ButtonTypeEnum,
    message: IMessage
  ) => void;
  actionsResultBlock?: (
    templateIdentifier: string,
    messageAction: IMessageAction
  ) => JSX.Element;
  onTabClick?: (tab: ITab) => void;
  preferenceFilter?: (userPreference: IUserPreferenceSettings) => boolean;

More information about the IMessage interface, and the theme interface.

The tab interface

interface ITab {
  name: string;
  storeId: string;

The list item interface

type ListItem = (
  message: IMessage,
  onActionButtonClick: (actionButtonType: ButtonTypeEnum) => void,
  onNotificationClick: () => void
) => JSX.Element;


The component that renders the notifications feed and allows to update the user preferences.

colorSchemestringThe UI light or dark mode.
themeINovuTheme (optional)The theme object allowing you to override light and dark colors of the UI components. Deprecated for styling, please use the styles prop on the NovuProvider.
tabsITab(optional)Allows to define separate UI tabs for the notifications feed. The array of connection objects between the feed tab and stores (that you define on the NovuProvider) and feed identifier.
listItemListItem (optional)The render function allowing you to define the custom element for the notification list item.
showUserPreferencesboolean (optional)The flag that enables to show/hide the user preferences. By default it is enabled.
allowedNotificationActionsboolean (optional)The flag that enables to show/hide the dots menu for actions performed on a notification. By default it is enabled.
onUrlChangefunction (optional)The function that is called when the notification item has a CTA of type redirect and is clicked.
onNotificationClickfunction (optional)The function that is called when the notification item is clicked.
onUnseenCountChangedfunction (optional)The function that is called when the unseen notifications count changed.
headerfunction (optional)The render function that allows you to define the custom header component.
footerfunction (optional)The render function that allows you to define the custom footer component.
emptyStateJSX.Element (optional)The render function that allows you to define the custom component for the empty notifications list state.
onActionClickfunction (optional)The callback function triggered when the notification button is clicked.
actionsResultBlockfunction (optional)The render function that allows you to define the custom component that will be rendered after the notification button is clicked.
onTabClickfunction (optional)The callback function triggered when the notifications feed tab changes.
preferenceFilterfunction (optional)The callback function triggered when filtering the subscriber preference.

Props interface

interface INotificationCenterProps {
  colorScheme: ColorScheme;
  theme?: INovuThemeProvider;
  tabs?: ITab[];
  listItem?: ListItem;
  showUserPreferences?: boolean;
  allowedNotificationActions?: boolean;
  onUrlChange?: (url: string) => void;
  onNotificationClick?: (notification: IMessage) => void;
  onUnseenCountChanged?: (unseenCount: number) => void;
  header?: () => JSX.Element;
  footer?: () => JSX.Element;
  emptyState?: JSX.Element;
  onActionClick?: (
    templateIdentifier: string,
    type: ButtonTypeEnum,
    message: IMessage
  ) => void;
  actionsResultBlock?: (
    templateIdentifier: string,
    messageAction: IMessageAction
  ) => JSX.Element;
  onTabClick?: (tab: ITab) => void;
  preferenceFilter?: (userPreference: IUserPreferenceSettings) => boolean;


The component that renders the notification bell with the unseen notifications count.

unseenCountnumber (optional)The number of unseen notifications.
unseenBadgeColorstring or object (optional)The unseen notifications count badge color.
unseenBadgeBackgroundColorstring (optional)The background color of the notification unseen count badge.
colorSchemestring (optional)The UI light or dark mode.

Props interface

interface INotificationBellProps {
  unseenCount?: number;
  unseenBadgeColor?: string | ISvgStopColor;
  unseenBadgeBackgroundColor?: string;
  colorScheme?: ColorScheme;

interface ISvgStopColor {
  stopColor?: string;
  stopColorOffset?: string;



This hook that allows you to get the notifications feed data and unseen notifications count. The notifications are fetched only when the fetchingStrategy.fetchNotifications is set to true interface, check the initialFetchingStrategy prop on the NovuProvider component.

const result = useNotifications();

useNotifications hook return interface

interface INotificationsContext {
  storeId: string;
  storeQuery: IStoreQuery;
  stores: IStore[];
  unseenCount: number;
  notifications: IMessage[];
  hasNextPage: boolean;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isFetching: boolean;
  isFetchingNextPage: boolean;
  setStore: (storeId?: string) => void;
  fetchNextPage: () => void;
  refetch: () => void;
  markNotificationAsRead: (messageId: string) => void;
  markNotificationAsUnRead: (messageId: string) => void;
  markNotificationAsSeen: (messageId: string) => void;
  markFetchedNotificationsAsRead: () => void;
  markFetchedNotificationsAsSeen: () => void;
  markAllNotificationsAsRead: () => void;
  markAllNotificationsAsSeen: () => void;
  removeMessage: (messageId: string) => void;
  removeAllMessages: (feedId?: string) => void;

Description of the useNotifications hook return interface properties

storeIdstringactive storeId
storesIStore[]array of IStore passed to the NovuProvider.
unseenCountnumberunseen notifications (messages) count.
notificationsIMessage[]The feed notifications array.
hasNextPagebooleanflag indicating if the next notifications page to fetch is available.
isLoadingbooleanflag indicating if the initial notifications fetch request is on the fly.
isFetchingbooleanflag indicating if the notifications are fetching including initial fetch.
isFetchingNextPagebooleanflag indicating if the next notifications page request in on the fly.
setStorefunctionfunction used to change the current notifications IStore
fetchNextPagefunctionfunction that fires the fetch request for the next notifications page.
refetchfunctionfunction used to refetch all the notifications, when multiple page requests were made it will refetch all of them.
markNotificationAsReadfunctionfunction takes the notification (message) messageId as an argument and marks that notification (message) as read.
markNotificationAsUnReadfunctionfunction takes the notification (message) messageId as an argument and marks that notification (message) as unread.
markNotificationAsSeenfunctionfunction takes the notification (message) messageId as an argument and marks that notification (message) as seen.
markFetchedNotificationsAsReadfunctionfunction marks all the fetched notifications as read.
markFetchedNotificationsAsSeenfunctionfunction allowing you to mark all the fetched notifications as seen.
markAllNotificationsAsReadfunctionfunction allowing you to mark all notifications as read.
markAllNotificationsAsSeenfunctionfunction allowing you to mark notifications as seen.
removeMessagefunctionfunction takes the notification (message) messageId as an argument and delete a notification.
removeAllMessagesfunctionThe function allowing you to delete all notifications or a specific feed’s (store’s) notifications at once.


useFetchNotifications can fetche the notifications for a particular feed. It’s a thin version of the useNotifications hook and is based on the useInfiniteQuery hook from the react-query library. Notifications can be filtered using payload property. Check all properties of IStoreQuery interface. The notifications are fetched only when the fetchingStrategy.fetchNotifications is set to true interface, check the initialFetchingStrategy prop on the NovuProvider component.

const query: IStoreQuery = {
  limit: 10,
  payload: {
    key: "value"

const onSuccess = (data: IPaginatedResponse<IMessage>) => {};

const onError = (error: Error) => {};

const {
  data: notificationsPages,
} = useFetchNotifications({ query }, { onSuccess, onError });

useFetchNotifications hook return args

interface IUseFetchNotificationsArgs {
  onSuccess?: (data: IPaginatedResponse<IMessage>) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  // ... many more from the react-query useInfiniteQuery hook

useFetchNotifications hook return interface

interface InfiniteData<TData> {
  pages: TData[];
  pageParams: unknown[];

interface IUseUnseenCountResult {
  data: InfiniteData<IPaginatedResponse<IMessage>>;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  error?: Error;
  // ... many more from the react-query useInfiniteQuery hook result


useUnseenCount returns the total unseen notifications count. Under the hood it uses the socket connection to get the unseen count updates.

interface ICountData {
  count: number;

const onSuccess = ({ count }: ICountData) => {};

const onError = (error: Error) => {};

const { data, isLoading, isError, error } = useUnseenCount({ onSuccess, onError });

useUnseenCount hook args interface

interface IUseUnseenCountArgs {
  onSuccess?: (data: ICountData) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  // ... many more from the react-query useQuery hook

useUnseenCount hook return interface

interface IUseUnseenCountResult {
  data?: ICountData;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  error?: Error;
  // ... many more from the react-query useQuery hook result


useSocket hooks is used to get the reference to socket object.

const { socket } = useSocket();

useSocket return interface

interface ISocket {
  on: (eventName: string, callback: (data: any) => void) => void;
  off: (eventName: string) => void;

useSocket supported events

notification_receivedTriggered when a new notification is received
unseen_count_changedTriggered when the count of unseen notifications changes
unread_count_changedTriggered when the count of unread notifications changes


useNovuContext hook is used to get the reference to the NovuProvider context.

const result = useNovuContext();

useNovuContext hook return interface

interface INovuProviderContext {
  backendUrl?: string;
  subscriberId?: string;
  applicationIdentifier?: string;
  isSessionInitialized: boolean;
  socketUrl?: string;
  subscriberHash: string;
  apiService: ApiService;
  socket?: ISocket;
  fetchingStrategy: IFetchingStrategy;
  setFetchingStrategy: (strategy: Partial<IFetchingStrategy>) => void;
  onLoad: (data: { organization: IOrganizationEntity }) => void;


useFeedUnseenCount hook fetches the unseen count for a particular feed.

interface ICountData {
  count: number;

const query: IStoreQuery = {
  feedIdentifier: "product-updates"

const onSuccess = (data: ICountData) => {};

const onError = (error: Error) => {};

const result = useFeedUnseenCount({ query }, { onSuccess, onError });

useFeedUnseenCount hook args interface

interface IUseFeedUnseenCountArgs {
  onSuccess?: (data: ICountData) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  // ... many more from the react-query useQuery hook

useFeedUnseenCount hook return interface

interface IUseFeedUnseenCountResult {
  data?: ICountData;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  error?: Error;
  // ... many more from the react-query useQuery hook result


useFetchOrganization hok fetches the current organization information.

interface IOrganizationEntity {
  _id: string;
  name: string;
  members: {
    _id: string;
    _userId?: string;
    user?: Pick<IUserEntity, 'firstName' | '_id' | 'lastName' | 'email'>;
    roles: MemberRoleEnum[];
    invite?: IMemberInvite;
    memberStatus: MemberStatusEnum;
  branding?: {
    color: string;
    logo: string;
    fontColor: string;
    fontFamily: string;
    contentBackground: string;
    direction: 'ltr' | 'rtl';

const onSuccess = (data: IOrganizationEntity) => {};

const onError = (error: Error) => {};

const result = useFetchOrganization({ onSuccess, onError });

useFetchOrganization hook args interface

interface IUseFetchOrganizationArgs {
  onSuccess?: (data: IOrganizationEntity) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  // ... many more from the react-query useQuery hook

useFetchOrganization hook return interface

interface IUseFetchOrganizationResult {
  data?: IOrganizationEntity;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  error?: Error;
  // ... many more from the react-query useQuery hook result


useFetchUserPreferences hook fetches the user preferences.

const onSuccess = (data: IUserPreferenceSettings[]) => {};

const onError = (error: Error) => {};

const result = useFetchUserPreferences({ onSuccess, onError });

useFetchUserPreferences hook args interface

interface IUseFetchUserPreferencesArgs {
  onSuccess?: (data: IUserPreferenceSettings[]) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  // ... many more from the react-query useQuery hook

useFetchUserPreferences hook return interface

interface IUseFetchUserPreferencesResult {
  data?: IUserPreferenceSettings[];
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  error?: Error;
  // ... many more from the react-query useQuery hook result


useUpdateUserPreferences hook is used to update the user preferences.

interface IPreferenceChannels {
  email?: boolean;
  sms?: boolean;
  in_app?: boolean;
  chat?: boolean;
  push?: boolean;

interface IUserPreferenceSettings {
  template: { _id: string; name: string; critical: boolean };
  preference: { enabled: boolean; channels: IPreferenceChannels };

const onSuccess = (data: IUserPreferenceSettings) => {};

const onError = (error: Error) => {};

const { updateUserPreferences, isLoading, isError, error } = useUpdateUserPreferences({

useUpdateUserPreferences hook args interface

interface IUserPreferencesArgs {
  onSuccess?: (data: IUserPreferenceSettings) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook

useUpdateUserPreferences hook return interface

interface IUpdateUserPreferencesVariables {
  templateId: string; // workflowId of mongodbId type
  channelType: string;
  checked: boolean;

interface IUserPreferencesResult {
  updateUserPreferences: (variables: IUpdateUserPreferencesVariables) => void;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  error?: Error;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook result


useUpdateAction hook can be used to update the notification action button status.

const onSuccess = (data: IMessage) => {};

const onError = (error: Error) => {};

const { updateAction, isLoading, isError, error } = useUpdateAction({ onSuccess, onError });

useUpdateAction hook args interface

interface IUseUpdateActionArgs {
  onSuccess?: (data: IMessage) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook

useUpdateAction hook return interface

interface IUpdateActionVariables {
  messageId: string;
  actionButtonType: ButtonTypeEnum;
  status: MessageActionStatusEnum;
  payload?: Record<string, unknown>;

interface IUpdateActionResult {
  updateAction: (variables: IUpdateActionVariables) => void;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  error?: Error;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook result


useMarkNotificationsAs hook that marks the notifications as read or seen.

const onSuccess = (data: IMessage[]) => {};

const onError = (error: Error) => {};

const { markNotificationsAs, isLoading, isError, error } = useMarkNotificationsAs({

useMarkNotificationsAs hook args interface

interface IUseMarkNotificationsAsArgs {
  onSuccess?: (data: IMessage[]) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook

useMarkNotificationsAs hook return interface

interface IMarkNotificationsAsVariables {
  messageId: IMessageId;
  seen: boolean;
  read: boolean;

interface IUseMarkNotificationsAsResult {
  markNotificationsAs: (args: IMarkNotificationsAsVariables) => void;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  error?: Error;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook result


useRemoveNotification hook allows you to remove a message. It will delete the message for the subscriber and will refetch the feed.

const onSuccess = (data: IMessage) => {};

const onError = (error: Error) => {};

const { removeNotification, isLoading, isError, error } = useRemoveNotification({

useRemoveNotification hook args interface

interface IUseRemoveNotificationArgs {
  onSuccess?: (data: IMessage) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook

useRemoveNotification hook return interface

interface IRemoveNotificationVariables {
  messageId: IMessageId;

interface IUseRemoveNotificationResult {
  removeNotification: (args: IRemoveNotificationVariables) => void;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  error?: Error;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook result


This hook is available from version 0.23.1

useRemoveNotifications hook allows you to remove multiple messages with a limit of 100 messageIds in single call.

const onSuccess = (data: IMessage) => {};

const onError = (error: Error) => {};

const { removeNotifications, isLoading, isError, error } = useRemoveNotifications({

useRemoveNotifications hook args interface

interface IUseRemoveNotificationArgs {
  onSuccess?: (data: IMessage) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook

useRemoveNotifications hook return interface

interface IRemoveNotificationsVariables {
  messageIds: string[];

interface IUseRemoveNotificationResult {
  removeNotifications: (args: IRemoveNotificationsVariables) => void;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  error?: Error;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook result


useRemoveAllNotifications hook allows you to remove all messages of all feeds. feedId can be used as param to delete only specific feed’s messages.

const onSuccess = (data: IMessage) => {};

const onError = (error: Error) => {};

const { removeAllNotifications, isLoading, isError, error } = useRemoveAllNotifications({

useRemoveAllNotifications hook args interface

interface IUseRemoveAllNotificationsArgs {
  onSuccess?: (data: IMessage) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook

useRemoveAllNotifications hook return interface

interface IRemoveAllNotificationsVariables {
  feedId?: string;

interface IUseRemoveAllNotificationsResult {
  removeAllNotifications: (args: IRemoveAllNotificationsVariables) => void;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  error?: Error;
  // ... many more from the react-query useMutation hook result


useTranslations hook allows you to get the reference to the translations object.

const result = useTranslations();

useTranslations returns interface

interface ITranslations {
  lang: string;
  t: (key: string) => string;
  dateFnsLocale: () => Locale;


useNovuTheme hook can be used to get the reference to the theme object.

const result = useNovuTheme();

useNovuTheme hook return interface

interface INovuThemeProviderContext {
  theme: INovuTheme;
  common: ICommonTheme;
  colorScheme: ColorScheme;

The theme interface

interface INovuTheme {
  layout?: IThemeLayout;
  header?: IThemeHeader;
  popover?: IThemePopover;
  actionsMenu?: IThemeActionsMenu;
  notificationItem?: IThemeNotificationListItem;
  userPreferences?: IThemeUserPreferences;
  footer?: IThemeFooter;
  loaderColor?: string;


PropertyDefault Value (Light Theme)Default Value - (Dark Theme)
boxShadow0px 5px 15px rgba(122, 133, 153, 0.25)0px 5px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)


PropertyDefault Value (Light Theme)Default Value - (Dark Theme)
badgeColorlinear-gradient(0deg,#FF512F 0%,#DD2476 100%)linear-gradient(0deg,#FF512F 0%,#DD2476 100%)


PropertyDefault Value (Light Theme)Default Value - (Dark Theme)


PropertyDefault Value (Light Theme)Default Value - (Dark Theme)
unseen.boxShadow0px 5px 15px rgba(122, 133, 153, 0.25)0px 5px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
unseen.notificationItemBeforeBrandColorlinear-gradient(0deg,#FF512F 0%,#DD2476 100%)linear-gradient(0deg,#FF512F 0%,#DD2476 100%)
buttons.primary.backGroundColorlinear-gradient(99deg,#DD2476 0% 0%, #FF512F 100% 100%)linear-gradient(99deg,#DD2476 0% 0%, #FF512F 100% 100%)


PropertyDefault Value (Light Theme)Default Value - (Dark Theme)


PropertyDefault Value (Light Theme)Default Value - (Dark Theme)
accordion.boxShadow0px 5px 15px rgba(122, 133, 153, 0.25)0px 5px 20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
accordionItem.switch.backgroundCheckedlinear-gradient(0deg,#FF512F 0%,#DD2476 100%)linear-gradient(0deg,#FF512F 0%,#DD2476 100%)
loaderColorlinear-gradient(0deg,#FF512F 0%,#DD2476 100%)linear-gradient(0deg,#FF512F 0%,#DD2476 100%)


PropertyDefault Value (Light Theme)Default Value - (Dark Theme)

customization properties

PropertytypeDefault Value (Light Theme)Default Value - (Dark Theme)
unseenBadgeColorstring or ISvgStopColor--


PropertyDefault Value (Light Theme)Default Value - (Dark Theme)


The notification IMessage model

IMessage model has the following properties:

_idstringA unique Novu message identifier
channelChannelTypeEnumUse to specify the actual channel of this message (in_app will be used here)
seenbooleanWhether the notification item was read by the user, changed when the user clicks on the notification
lastSeenDateISODateWhen the user has last seen the notification
contentstringAn HTML string of the generated notification content with parsed and replaced variables
templateIdentifierstringA unique Novu workflow identifier
payloadRecord<string, unknown>The payload object that was passed to the trigger even of the workflow.
createdAtISODateThe creation date of the message
cta.typeChannelCTATypeEnumThe type of the CTA specified in the admin panel redirect URL set in the admin panel, can be used to navigate on notification click
cta.action.statusbooleanIndication whether the action occurred
cta.action.buttonsIMessageButton[]Array of action buttons
cta.action.result.payloadRecord<string, unknown>Payload object that send on updateAction method in useNotifications hook
cta.action.result.typeButtonTypeEnumType of the button
subscriberSubscriberPropsSubscriber object that contains information about the subscriber


_idstringAuto-generated identifier for the subscriber entity in the database
firstNamestringFirst name of the subscriber
subscriberIdstringidentifier of the subscriber entity in the Novu Web Dashboard


typeButtonTypeEnumButton type enum
contentstringButton inner text







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